War Against Women

All about World War Against Women

Men detest talking about the truth of the “Global War on Women,” but it exists! This conflict is a protracted occurrence that seems to be polluting nearly every aspect of human life without exception and permeating the social, economic, religious, and cultural fabric unabatedly. It appears to have no limitations, but for self-righteous hypocritical motives, it is frequently mislabeled, disguised, and cloaked in secrecy. According to the daily news, women are frequently drawn into horrible, terrible, barbaric circumstances by men and suffer the brunt of the repercussions since they are present and easy targets who put up little opposition.

Men have fought many battles. The only thing that “The War on Poverty,” “The War on Drugs,” “The War on Terrorism,” and the list goes on and on all have in common is that they never seem to finish. Sadly, women have always been at the epicentre of every battle, and every one of them seems to be a “Perfect Storm” for women, who inevitably always suffer the most. Developed nations frequently spout voluminous language about women’s rights and human rights while secretly and publicly distributing funds that directly and indirectly undermine and complicate the safety and welfare of women. Conflicts are currently raging over the world, causing unspeakable murder and destruction, major power struggles, and oppression that seeps into all aspects of society.

Information about missing and murdered indigenous women

Native Americans today face some incredibly difficult obstacles. The Urban Indian Health Institute collected these figures after surveying 71 American cities in 2016. The statistics are conclusive: The majority of incidents involve missing and murdered indigenous women. In addition to being ten times higher than the national average, murder is the third leading cause of death for Native women who live on reservations.

What can we do about indigenous women who have been abducted and killed?

The Things You Can Do to Take Action. By reading the major reports and going over the timetable, you can educate yourself about the Inquiry. Then, you may inform others about what you learned. “I stand with Indigenous Women and Families to End Violence,” is a petition that can be signed at Amnesty International. a commitment to pay attention to and stop violence.

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