Describe a Pain Clinic

How to Best Describe a Pain Clinic

Those struggling with ongoing pain for longer than twelve weeks or pain that is non-responsive to medication might referred to a pain clinic as they are suffering with what is known as chronic pain. In fact, around 50 million people in America live with chronic pain, according to WebMD.

Chronic pain is an ever-growing problem and is affecting people’s abilities to go about their everyday lives. Some individuals struggle to work because of the daily pain they are suffering with while others cannot sleep and as such are finding it impossible to focus during the day. According to the good folk at medical cannabis pain clinic KindlyMD, chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people are referred to pain clinics.

What Happens at a Pain Clinic?

If your doctor has referred you to a pain clinic, it is natural to wonder what might happen when you attend. Know that it is normal for a doctor to refer patients who have been suffering with pain for more than three months to a pain clinic. The experts that work in such places are specialized in the field of pain and work with patients like you every single day. They have knowledge of the many different causes of chronic pain and are more adept at discovering the underlying issues that are affecting individual patients.

The pain doctors might ask you to keep a pain journal before your first appointment as this will serve as a valuable diagnostic tool in finding the cause of your pain. At your first appointment, the pain doctor will carry out a full assessment and will ask a variety of questions relating to your pain. You will also be asked about your diet and lifestyle as well as family history of illness.

The physician will probably ask how long you have been in pain and which parts of your body are affected. You will also be questioned about the way in which the pain is affecting various areas of your life such as your sleep, work, and social life.

A physical examination may also be given, where the doctor can evaluate your pain levels based on how you respond when various parts of your body are moved. The physical examination will also give the doctor a chance to see if there is any swelling in areas where you are experiencing pain.

If necessary, the pain physician will order a series of diagnostic tests including a blood test, ultrasound, MRI, or x-ray, where appropriate.

Once all the initial examinations have been done, the doctors at the pain clinic will consult with each other and invite you back for a second appointment where they may provide you with a diagnosis. Be aware however that a diagnosis for the cause of chronic pain can take some time as it is not always clear what is causing the pain. It may be necessary for the doctors to evaluate how you are responding to ongoing treatment before being sure of the cause.

Doctors at pain clinics will usually create a treatment plan with you that might include a combination of medication and therapies. It may be appropriate for you to be given medical cannabis if traditional medicine is not helping to ease the pain. Sometimes medication is injected into the nerves to block pain. This can be highly effective for some individuals.

Other treatments include physical therapy or recommendations for a change in nutrition and exercise. Some people find that daily stretching practices such as Pilates and yoga are helpful when it comes to dealing with chronic pain. Regardless, your plan will be tailored to you and your individual needs.

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