Top 2 Barriers to Telemedicine Adoption: Providers and Patients

Two years of dealing with coronavirus and its variants have taught us some important lessons about how healthcare delivery works in this country. It has shed light on telemedicine solutions as an alternative way to deliver some services. Strangely, two years of pandemic medicine have also revealed the top two barriers to widespread telemedicine adoption: […]

How Cannabis Processors Address Safety Issues in the Lab

Two of the easiest and safest methods for extracting can nabinoids from cannabis plant material are water extraction and steam distillation. Both are easy enough that they can be done at home without much risk. But for commercial purposes, neither method produces the volume necessary to make an operation profitable. Therefore, processors have to utilize […]

Situations In Life When Using A Hand Sanitizer Is a Must

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, hand sanitisers were largely used in hospitals and medical centres. However, with the onset of the pandemic, it has now become a staple in most households. People have realized the importance of hand hygiene and these hand sanitizers have become a part of one’s lifestyle nowadays. Hand hygiene practices are […]

Substance Abuse & Addiction Among Healthcare Professionals

Some may argue, and there’s ample evidence to back up the claims that drug problems in doctors are related to the medical specialties where they’re regularly in contact with addictive drugs. Ease of access, lack of early detection, stress, and the link with the physician are other problems associated with physician drug use. Studies have […]