Get Shape with BOSU Trainer

Build Stability and Get Shape with BOSU Trainer Workout

Balance and rock-solid stability are crucial for riders, not just for performance (think: bike-handling abilities), but also for feeling secure when flying down a rapid descent or cornering at high speeds.

That’s why balance training is so vital, and equipment like a BOSU Balance Trainer can add a new level of difficulty.

By challenging your muscles, stabilisers, and counter-balancing forces to work together, adding a regulated element of instability to your strength training programme using a BOSU trainer sharpens your sensory feedback systems.


your body’s knowledge of where your limbs are in space—is improved by training on an unstable surface, as is coordination and neuromuscular function. According to Audrey Farenga, a qualified personal trainer in Los Angeles, “your neurology increases its communication between your stability muscles and your brain to better coordinate the changes needed to maintain balance and control.”

Perform each exercise for the specified number of reps or duration. On strength-training days, repeat the set 2 to 3 times a week to improve strength and balance both on and off the bike.Once you’ve mastered the primary programme, you may move to the next level by following the progressions given with each exercise.

Glute Bridge with a Single Leg

How to go about it: Begin by lying face up and placing your right foot on the top of the dome, platform side down, knees bent. Straighten your left leg. Engage your core and glutes as you press through your right heel to elevate your hips toward the ceiling with your right leg while maintaining your left leg straight. At the apex of the action, aim for a 90-degree bend in the right leg and avoid arching your low back. The exercise should be felt in your glutes and hamstrings. Perform 15–20 repetitions on each side.

To make it more difficult, perform this action with the dome side down and the planted foot on the platform’s middle.

Mountains Climber

Start in a high plank posture, grasping the platform with your wrists beneath shoulders, with the dome side down. The dome’s centre should align with the middle of your chest. Pull one leg into your chest at a time, alternating as if you were jogging in place, while keeping your core and glutes engaged. Carry out this action as rapidly as possible while keeping your core engaged and your body from moving side to side. For 1 minute, do as many reps as you can.

Add resistance in the form of ankle weights or an ankle-secured resistance band to make it more difficult.

Farenga recommends keeping your upper body weight over the BOSU and securing your hands by pressing gently toward the ground. “By doing so, you will be able to engage your core muscles rather than simply your shoulders. “Keep your hips low.”


Place the right foot in the middle of the dome with your feet shoulder-width apart and a long stance. Once you’re comfortable, bend both knees and drop your body to the floor, bending the left leg to roughly a 90-degree angle. Make sure your stance is lengthy enough for your left knee to stay balanced over the ankle and not pass your toes. Return up through the left foot’s heel until both knees are straight. This is one repetition. On each leg, do 12 to 15 repetitions.

Perform this action with the dome side down and the rear foot in the centre of the flat surface to make it more difficult.

Single-Leg Balance to Lateral Lunge

How to go about it: Begin by standing dome-side up next to the BOSU. Take a large stride to the left with both feet pointing forward, and place your left foot on top of the dome. To do a lateral lunge, bring your hips back and bend your left knee while maintaining your right leg straight. Maintain a straight torso and prevent the left knee from moving past the toes. Lift the right knee to a 90-degree bend while pushing through the heel of the left leg until you are standing on top of the dome. Hold for 1 to 2 seconds while balancing, then return to the starting position with the right foot. This is one repetition. On each leg, do 12 to 15 repetitions.

To make it more difficult, while balancing on the dome, move the right leg out to the side and back to the middle. Rep with the other leg.

Crunch on a bicycle

How to go about it: Face up, with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-distance apart, with your lumbar spine centred over the top of the dome. Place your fingertips at your temples with your elbows open, keeping your neck in a neutral posture. While twisting your body and elevating the left elbow toward the right knee, elevate the right leg until the right knee is stacked vertically over the right hip. Hold for 1–2 seconds before returning to the beginning position gently. Rep on the other side, doing 15 to 20 repetitions on each side.

Lift both feet off the floor and stretch the leg that would have remained on the floor to make it more difficult.

Plank on the side

How to perform it: Lie down on your side, with your forearm resting on the dome’s top. Make sure your elbow is precisely beneath your shoulder. Engage your core and lift your hips off the floor, keeping both legs straight and stacked on top of each other, until your body is in a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Hold for 1 minute before switching sides.

Raise the upper leg while raising the hips and maintain it elevated during the hold to make it more difficult.

Platform Tilts on a High Plank

How to go about it: Grab the side grips with the dome side down and position your chest so it is centred over the platform’s centre. Engage your core and pull yourself into a high plank posture, keeping your hands in line with your shoulders. Once you’re comfortable, bend your right elbow and slowly tilt the platform to the right while keeping your hips and core engaged. Tilt slightly to the left after returning to the centred position. Continue to do so. Do 20 repetitions on each side.

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