Orbera Balloon

A Detailed Guide to Understanding Orbera Balloon

Obesity is a global concern with prevalence rising at an alarming pace across the United States. It is the increase in overall fat tissue (adipose tissue) due to genetic causes and lifestyle reasons. Diet and exercise are commonly prescribed for treating obesity to bring the BMI down to the normal range. When diet and exercise fail to yield desired results, surgical and non-surgical weight-loss solutions are prescribed, one of which is the Orbera balloon method. If you are considering opting for the Orbera balloon method in Dallas, Texas or anywhere else, it is always beneficial to have some basic information about the procedure. Continue reading as we present a detailed guide to understanding the Orbera balloon method.

Reasons to Opt for an Orbera Balloon Process

The Orbera balloon is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that involves placing an intragastric (Orbera) balloon inside the stomach with the objective to limit BMI by creating a sense of induced fullness and restricting appetite. The procedure has various benefits apart from aiding weight loss. Orbera balloon process may also be opted for combating obesity-related health complications such as:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Type 2 diabetes or adult-onset diabetes
  • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) or Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Heart stroke

Eligibility Criteria

As mentioned earlier, the Orbera balloon method is prescribed when diet and exercise fail to yield expected weight loss results, but this method is not for every obese patient, certain eligibility criteria must be met:

  • The BMI should be in the range of 30 to 40 kg/m2
  • The patient shouldn’t have a history of esophageal or stomach surgery(s)
  • The patient should be agreeable to the serious lifestyle changes that the Orbera balloon method entails

To clear you for the Orbera balloon method, a thorough screening test will be ordered by your doctor. It will help determine the presence of any underlying complications such as cardiac diseases that may make you unfit for the procedure.

Working Mechanism

The Orbera balloon method works on the principle of reducing BMI by inducing a sense of fullness. A balloon with saline liquid is inserted to occupy a significant volume in the stomach to slow down the capacity of food and liquids ingested. This also induces a sensation of fullness by affecting the urge to consume food. It makes the patient feel content with smaller meals.

During the Procedure

The intragastric balloon is an outpatient operation in the endoscopy unit. Firstly, the patient is anesthetized and then the deflated Orbera balloon is inserted through a thin tube (catheter) into the stomach, filled with a saline solution, and inflated to about the size of a grapefruit. The bariatric surgeon inserts an endoscope, a telescopic tube with a camera mounted to provide an anatomical view of the lumen of the esophagus and the stomach when they fill it to the appropriate size. The entire process takes up to half an hour and the patient is discharged the same day (if there aren’t any complications).

After the Procedure

Post six hours of the procedure, the patient is provided with limited volumes of clear liquids. The soft food diet replaces the liquid diet in the second week and the patient is cleared to consume regular meals from the following week.

The intragastric (Orbera) balloon stays inside the stomach for up to 6 months and is removed with the help of an endoscope. Make sure to consult a bariatric doctor about the diet to be maintained across all the stages of operations to help you prepare and find suitable alternatives (if you don’t prefer any specific food).

Pre-Operative Preparations

The pre-operative preparations before undergoing an Orbera balloon method entail rigorous briefings and screenings to help the medical staff (including surgeons and nutritionists) judge whether the weight-loss solution is suitable for your case. When seeking an Orbera balloon in DFW or anywhere else, make sure to consult the doctor about the ins and outs of the procedure.

Potential Side-effects

No medical procedure is risk-free and the Orbera balloon method is no exception.  Risks with the procedure include acid reflux, stomach discomfort, lower weight loss than expected, digestion complications, blockage of food entering the stomach, infections in the GI tract, belly or back pain, stomach-lining inflammation, balloon deflation & bowel obstruction, and nausea and vomiting. This is why it is vital to search for a bariatric doctor experienced in performing the Orbera procedure to help you prepare about the possible complications beforehand, avoiding any discomfort later on.

Post-Operative Results to Expect

Orbera balloon method is not a surgery, which is why there are no incisions inflicted on the body, however, post the insertion of the balloon, the patients can expect radical weight loss in the first two weeks due to immediate suppression of hunger. A 10% to 15% reduction in weight can then be expected in the following weeks while the balloon is in place. Post removal of the balloon, the onus is on the patient’s commitment for maintaining a healthier BMI through constant diet monitoring and exercises.

Final Word

The Orbera balloon method is an ideal option for those seeking a more effective way of losing weight but not willing to opt for a surgical method.  If you are considering exploring the Orbera gastric balloon weight loss solution in the Dallas or Fort Worth region, choose a reputable bariatric doctor that offers the latest technology, years of expertise, and a good team of nutritionists to help you through your weight loss journey and lose weight the right way.

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